Rethinking Security in Africa

Truck full of refugees in the desert

Confrontations between traditional and critical readings of security have been a visible feature of the post-9/11 security landscape. However, as is the case with many issues in international politics, Africa remains at the margins of critical knowledge production, as countries in the continent survive at the mercy of the geopolitics of major powers. Not even the fact that African scholars in the continent and the diaspora are producing excellent critical security knowledge has succeeded in bringing about the needed epistemic justice in security studies.

Map of the world connected by thumbtacks creating a network

Challenging Traditional Security Narratives

Africa Network of Critical Security Scholars (ANeCS) is a network of scholars both in the continent and the diaspora dedicated to challenging traditional security narratives and promoting critical thinking in Africa.

Our mission is to highlight the work of critical security scholars in Africa, and disseminate critical knowledge to a wider public, to the everyday spheres of society, thereby promoting critical scholarship and security practice through advocacy, and research.

Critical is neither combative nor confrontational. Critical is dialogue, inclusive, alternative, sustainable…

Research & Publication

Capacity Building & Networking

Advocacy & Policy Engagement

Our Partners

Logo for CORN
Logo for Decolonial Network

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