Promoting Critical Security Research and Knowledge Dissemination in Africa

Candid photo of Aboriginal Woman Bringing fresh Water in a typical village

We believe that traditional approaches to security have fallen short in addressing the complex challenges facing the region. Our mission is to promote alternative perspectives that delve deeper into the root causes of insecurity.

Africa Network of Critical Security Scholars (ANeCS) is a network dedicated to advancing critical security research and knowledge dissemination in Africa.

Africa is a unique region where ideological, geopolitical, and political factors converge to complicate security at all levels of the human experience. Studying and practicing security within this conflation of factors require approaches that look beyond the current explanations into the future.

The historical, interdisciplinary, and normative commitments of critical security/critical terrorism approaches are necessary to surmount the challenges that result from this conflation.

Dorze people walking on a road


ANeCS envisions an Africa where security is understood holistically, addressing root causes of conflict, and where communities are actively engaged in shaping their own security futures.


ANeCS is committed to challenging dominant security narratives in Africa by fostering critical research and out-of-the-box thinking, promoting knowledge sharing, and empowering communities to build sustainable peace and security.

Membership in ANeCS is open to anyone interested in critical security studies. Our activities include:

  • Promote activities of scholars in the network through social media and other channels.

  • Issue publications alerts on new publications of scholars in the network.

  • Engage in collaborative research and publication including special issues and edited volumes.

  • Organise or participate in workshops, round tables or conferences on critical terrorism or security related studies in Africa

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